Download woice for your device and enjoy more fulfilling online discussions

Forget about stand up meetings and taking notes. Don't worry about notification anxiety or being always online. Respond on your own terms and never be distracted by notifications again.

Why woice?
Woice is ideal for anyone working remotely, especially where collaborators are in different time zones. Your next client could be anywhere in the world, so come equipped with the right communication tools. You’re getting a communication tool that focuses on voice and gives you automatic transcriptions so you can search through them with ease.

It's as simple and natural as communication should be

No need for fancy passwords or long onboarding procedures. Just use your email and sign in to woice.

Download the application on your device.

Click on the button  and download woice from Play Store or App Store.

Download now

Create your first community and invite your colleagues

Make sure to invite everybody you like. It is an opportunity to develop new and stronger relationships.

Send your first voice message to one of your colleagues

Stop using your keyboard and start communicating naturally with your voice. Work on your own timeline.

Sarah J. Matos

Product manager

“When we started working remotely, I couldn’t imagine that working from home would go very quickly from the best thing ever to the worst: I just can’t catch a break with all these notifications.”

Brittany R. Charles

UX designer

"Unfocused meetings are slowly but surely ruining my whole workday: I’m basically doing two jobs by simply attending meetings & briefing everybody afterward."

James Miller

Software engineer

“I’m feeling the pressure to check my work channels all the time: it seems like so much is happening & I’m missing out on it. It’s taken a toll on me, I have to admit.”

Eric Shaw

Scrum master

“There are days when I’m physically tired from simply looking for the right information: there’s something on Slack, inside a Google Doc, a spreadsheet here, and e-mail there. It can really wear you out doing this for longer periods of time.”

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Resources for media

Do you need additional resources or want to know
more about Woice? Please get in touch with us